Bring Me Back Home, New Orleans

By Asia Briana Brown

“Dear New Orleans, I miss you. Crescent City, I love you.” On August 29, 2005, Hurricane Katrina devastated a number of homes and communities, scattering families as they sought refuge. Bring Me Back Home, New Orleans, is a Katrina survivor’s story of loss told through poetry, a reflection on home, and an ode to New Orleans.
Cemetery Psalms
Asia Briana Brown

Cemetery Psalms

By Asia Briana Brown

“Grief can look like tears in chocolate bars.” Cemetery Psalms is a collection of grief poems that transports the reader through a reflective and emotional journey with God when experiencing the death of a loved one.

"Such a sweet memory of home"

I really enjoyed Bring me back home, New Orleans. Asia takes readers on an actual tour of the city through her writing. I can sense her love and longing for New Orleans. It’s like the Mississippi River flows through her veins. What a creative writing style she has, and a great title too. I’m a New Orleans native, displaced from Katrina as well, and it took me on a journey. I imagined riding my bike and walks to the “snowball” stand and all the other memories we had as kids. Great job Asia, keep on writing!

Kristian Patrick


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Bring Me Back Home, New Orleans

Asia Briana Brown

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By Asia Briana Brown

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By Asia Briana Brown

Bring Me Back Home, New Orleans

Asia Briana Brown

Never Give Up: A Guide to Being Resilient

Gwen J

Never Give Up: A Guide to Being Resilient

By Gwen J (In memory of my mother, Gwen J)

Hurricane Katrina wasn’t the only storm that Gwen J survived. Although her home in New Orleans was flooded under ten feet of water and many of her personal possessions were lost forever, the tempest of emotions she experienced afterward is what truly tested her faith. Amid this personal strife, Gwen questioned the many challenges she endured throughout the years and finally found the answer to her prayers: resiliency.

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